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Practicing the Art of Decision Making
Keys to Making Better Decisions

Making decisions can be one of the most grueling, tiresome processes we have to deal with. However, they don't have to be that way. Here are some tools you can use to help make decisions easier:

Consider the Pros and Cons

Use the old style approach of listing the advantages and disadvantages of each option you're considering. It can't hurt, right?

Gather Information

Find out all you can to fill in holes where you don't know things. For example, if you are trying to decide how to replace your car that quit working, gather information about ways to get a car (purchase new, purchase used, barter or trade, ask someone for a car they don't need, borrow a car for a while, etc.).

Make Educated Guesses

If there are things you just can't find out, or you can't know ahead of time, make a best guess to fill in those blanks. If possible, gather more facts first to strengthen your guess. In our example of replacing a car, perhaps you are considering a used car but need it to last at least 4 years and you don't know if it will. First, gather facts by asking a mechanic to inspect it and estimate how long it will last, and do some research about how long that model usually lasts. Then make your best guess.

Listen to Your Intuition

As your intuition what choice it would make, and then give it some time while you listen for answers. Do the kinds of activities that usually put you closest to your intuition, such as meditation, taking a shower, or doing mindless housework. If you have more than a day to decide, pose the question to yourself right before you go to sleep and ask for the best answer for you to show up clearly in your dreams. (For dream symbol meaning and tips on interpreting your dreams, visit

Make it Reversible

If at all possible, make the decision in a way that it can be changed later. More decisions are actually reversible than we realize. Sometimes realizing that you can change your mind at a later date takes the stress off and helps make the decision process easier and lighter.


Decision Making - Psychic Readings
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