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Dream Journaling
Tracking Your Dreams

Get More from Your Interpretation

Writing out your dream helps dream recall - and the more of the dream you remember and preserve, the more you can interpret. Plus, a written description - in words and pictures - gives the fullest possible record of your dream for you to interpret.

Interpret Your Dream More Easily

A written dream description is easier to interpret than just a dream memory. Your dream is all there on paper to review, analyze, and make notes on as you get insights about dream meaning.

Improve Your Dream Recall

Writing out your dreams on a regular basis will likely help you remember more of them in the future. Anything that helps you focus on your dreams should help you remember your dreams more often and remember more dream details from your dreams.

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Recommended Dream Dictionary


Recommended Dream Site

A good place to learn more about dream interpretation is the web site

Article: Intro to Dreams & Dream Interpretation
Tips for Interpreting Dreams

Article: Dream Symbols - Meaning & Interpretation
Article: The Shelf-Life of Dreams


Dream Visions dream interpretation

 -Interpret Dreams
 -Dream Dictionary

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